1. Melt a large knob of butte in a deep frying pan and add the onion. Allow the onion to soften and then add the rice and rosemary. Toast the rice for a couple of minutes and then add the lemon liquid and wine. Allow the rice to absorb the liquid and then add 250 ml of stock.2. Once the rice has absorbed the initial liquids and you've begun adding the vegetable stock, introduce the drained lemon slices into the pan.
3. Cook on a medium heat allowing the rice to absorb all the liquid before adding more stock. Keep slowly adding the stock until it has all been absorbed. Take it off the heat and then season generously and stir in the parmesan.
4. Serve with extra parmesan.
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 bunch rosemary, stalks removed and finely chopped
300g risotto rice
1l good quality vegetable stock
8 Opies Sliced Lemon sliced
100ml liquid from Opies Sliced Lemon Jar
200ml White Wine
50g parmesan cheese, grated. Plus more for serving.